Organizational level energy conservation and efficiency - a case of public sector organization in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Anqa Min Allah Department of Environment and Energy Management, College of Business Management, Institute of Business Management, Karachi Sindh Pakistan
  • Jamshaid Iqbal Department of Environment and Energy Management, College of Business Management, Institute of Business Management, Karachi Sindh Pakistan
  • Shahid Amjad Department of Environment and Energy Management, College of Business Management, Institute of Business Management, Karachi Sindh Pakistan


Pakistan is facing chronic energy crises since many years. This paper aims to provide an overview of the current status of energy efficiency and conservation practices at organizational level in Pakistan. The first phase of this study evaluates the trends in electricity consumption in selected buildings over the last six years (2017–2022). Subsequently, a survey was conducted in selected buildings to assess employee morale and knowledge of energy efficiency and conservation. Results show an insignificant change in electricity consumption in selected buildings during the past six year’s period indicating a poor culture of energy savings in the selected organization. Despite a constant electricity consumption from 2017 to 2022, a significant fluctuation in average billing amounts was observed. This is possibly due to electricity tariff that has continuously been fluctuating since last few years in Pakistan including Karachi. Study reveals that more than 50% of the employees in selected organization were aware about the importance of energy efficiency and conservation however, they rarely practice the energy saving measures during their routine activities. This is perhaps due to the lack of sense of national stewardship among the employees. It was also found that most of the employees of the selected organization are aware and motivated towards the environmental and climate change concerns related to energy production and its efficient use. However, again a small number of employees were found practicing the energy conservation and efficiency measures. According to this study, companies should encourage staff members to save energy by offering frequent trainings and educational opportunities. Additionally, the organizations ought to think about switching to renewable energy sources.

Jan 1, 2024
How to Cite
ALLAH, Anqa Min; IQBAL, Jamshaid; AMJAD, Shahid. Organizational level energy conservation and efficiency - a case of public sector organization in Karachi, Pakistan. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, [S.l.], v. 43, n. 1, p. 119-128, jan. 2024. ISSN 2413-7219. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025. doi:
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