Publication Honorarium Form

Fill the form below with required details. Any incomplete or false information will nullify the submission.

Disclaimer: This form is for MUET employees only.

Enter your official designation along with affiliation.
Enter your official Email address.
Enter the exact title of the paper / book chapter (case sensitive).
Enter complete list of Author(s) separated by "and" in the following format. "Firstname Lastname and Firstname Lastname and ... "
Enter complete list of Author's Affiliation separated by "and" in the following format. First Author's Affiliation and Second Author's Affiliation and ...
Enter the exact name of Journal / Booktitle
Enter the publishing year.
Enter the number of pages or range (e.g. 1-8).
Enter the volume number of publishing article.
Enter the issue number of publishing article.
Enter the exact name of the publisher.
Enter the Impact Factor if the publication type is "Article".
Enter the ISSN number.
Enter the ISBN number if the publication type is not an "Article".
Enter the DOI (preferably) or URL of the article. Example:
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