Investigating the Strength and Durability Properties of OneWay Slabs Incorporating Marble Dust as Cement Replacement Material

  • Muhammad Nauman Azhar Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan.
  • Liaquat Ali Qureshi Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Usman Rashid Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan.


To reduce the environmental pollution caused by cement manufacturing and to save both the economy and resources, it is required to use alternative waste materials of pozzolanic nature to partially replace cement in the construction industry. Among different cement replacement materials being used now-a-days, marble dust is the one on which limited research has been done especially on the performance of structural members like RC slabs. In this paper, marble dust has been used in different ratios as partial replacement of cement in concrete mix. RC one-way slabs as well as plain concrete standard samples were cast to determine their mechanical properties i.e. compressive, tensile and flexural strengths, stiffness, first & ultimate load, crack patterns, modulus of elasticity, maximum deflection and durability etc. It was found that by increasing the dosage of marble dust in plain concrete samples, workability was decreased. Compressive and tensile strengths of concrete increased up to 7.5% replacement but decreased on further replacement. The permeability of concrete decreased with the addition of marble dust up to 10% replacement, then it increased. The behaviour of one-way slabs showed an increase in the first crack load and ultimate failure capacity. Moreover, decrease in the deflection of slabs was observed with the increasing replacement of cement with marble dust. The resistance of concrete against corrosion of steel reinforcement also increased due to less migration of chloride ions. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) tests showed improved homogeneity and stiffness of concrete structure with the replacement of cement by marble dust.

Oct 1, 2021
How to Cite
AZHAR, Muhammad Nauman; QURESHI, Liaquat Ali; RASHID, Muhammad Usman. Investigating the Strength and Durability Properties of OneWay Slabs Incorporating Marble Dust as Cement Replacement Material. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, [S.l.], v. 40, n. 4, p. 775 - 792, oct. 2021. ISSN 2413-7219. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi:
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