Plastic Fiber Optics Embedded in Concrete (to study its Light-Transmitting Properties) for Sustainable and Economical Buildings

  • Caroline A. Sobo McWhorter School of Building Science, Auburn University, USA.
  • Sadia Farooq Department of Interior Design, University of Home Economics, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Salman Azhar McWhorter School of Building Science, Auburn University, USA.


Concrete, a material that can be used as a building material and at the same time when mixed with light source, can enhance the beauty of a space as well as open new ways to experiment with it. The vision behind the research is to contribute with the manufacturers who are having “vision of cities that glow from within†through the use of concrete embedded with optic fiber strands. The aim of this research is to determine light transmitting properties of translucent concrete embedded with plastic fiber optics. In this experimental study, the amount of light is calculated that is able to transmit through the concrete. The four concrete blocks of equal size but different in amounts of plastic fiber optic strands are made. The research concluded that the fiber optics has the good light guiding properties which allow light to pass through the concrete in sufficient amount. The concrete with plastic fiber optics is named as translucent concrete, provides endless varieties of applications, not only aesthetically pleasing, but it can also promote safety, privacy and security as well as integrate the idea of saving green energy in the construction industry.

Apr 1, 2021
How to Cite
A. SOBO, Caroline; FAROOQ, Sadia; AZHAR, Salman. Plastic Fiber Optics Embedded in Concrete (to study its Light-Transmitting Properties) for Sustainable and Economical Buildings. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, [S.l.], v. 40, n. 2, p. 399 - 414, apr. 2021. ISSN 2413-7219. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi:
This is an open Access Article published by Mehran University of Engineering and Technolgy, Jamshoro under CCBY 4.0 International License