Assurance due to the Usage of Two ERP Methods: Microsoft Dynamics AX and SAP

  • Soobia Saeed Department of Software Engineering, Ilma University, Karachi
  • Asadullah Shaikh Department of Software Engineering, Ilma University, Karachi
  • Syed Mehmood Raza Naqvi Department of Software Engineering, Ilma University, Karachi


A speculation-based resource organising technique aids agencies in routing information across many industrial components. Organisation functions through IT (Information Technology) with the use of the latest technology helps HR (Human Resources) increase gross sales and beyond. The problem associated with an industry organizational tool is that it needs to share data from the MRP (Material Requirements Planning) system with financial accounting, customer relationships, the supply chain or other applications with the use of the latest technologies. Organisations cannot easily acquire choices, whatever ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) devices are made for their organisation.In this research paper, we performedand maintained QA (Quality Assurance) using two ERPs are Microsoft Design AX and SAP (Software and Application). Selecting the best ERP technique is never easy. These sort of options are likely to be a really expensive investment decision along with lifetime costs which include a huge amount of money. In this research article, we have highlighted the important elements of the investigation tasks – the biological materials or groupings, steps, treatment options or applications, and also strategies within the assignment. This study can be a resourceful approach to get the essential details through the most effective way possible. This is caused by truth migration; you can use technique personalisation and employee education thoroughly, making use of the types of programs and talks that take a couple of months to more comprehensive period of time to perform. This research study hasfound that ERP is better than the currently used Supply Chain module. Key Words: Supply Chain, Quality Assurance, Microsoft Design AX,

Apr 1, 2018
How to Cite
SAEED, Soobia; SHAIKH, Asadullah; NAQVI, Syed Mehmood Raza. Assurance due to the Usage of Two ERP Methods: Microsoft Dynamics AX and SAP. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, [S.l.], v. 37, n. 2, p. 337-350, apr. 2018. ISSN 2413-7219. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi:
This is an open Access Article published by Mehran University of Engineering and Technolgy, Jamshoro under CCBY 4.0 International License