Evaluation of Soil Engineering Characteristics in Jalalpur Region, Pakistan

  • Khawaja Adeel Tariq Department of Civil Engineering, Chenab College of Engineering and Technology Gujranwala, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Moeen Soharwardy National Engineering Services, Pakistan.
  • Nadeem Ahmed Tabessum GEOBAND, Pakistan.


This study deals with the evaluation of soil engineering characteristic along the proposed route of Jalalpur irrigation project. The proposed JIP (Jalalpur Irrigation Project) is located along the right bank of Jhelum River in Tehsil PDK (Pind Dadan Khan) and Tehsil Khushab of District Khushab. JIP is funded by ADB (Asian Development Bank). The JIP will enhance crop production in Tehsil PDKand Khushab. Famers will be benefited through JIP as they will get regular supply of water through canal. It will also create job opportunities for local people and will lead to the prosperity of the Project area. Detailed soil investigation along proposed route was carried out by M/S GEOBAND. Straight rotary method of drilling was used. The recovered soil samples and water samples were tested in laboratories. The detailed engineering analysis was performed and soil parameters along with bearing capacities are suggested. Results have indicated variations in SPT values along the proposed route. The top layer of soil along proposed route is mostly Silty Clay with variation along the depth. The proposed bearing capacity for shallow foundation is 1.25 ton/ft2 (120 kN/m2) at depth of 5ft (1.5 m) beneath footing, and for bored piles having diameter of 2.5 ft (0.76 m) at a depth of 50 ft (15 m) is recommended as 70 ton (685 kN). The results presented in this study will be helpful in deciding the detailed foundation design of the engineering structures along the proposed route of JIP.

Jul 1, 2019
How to Cite
TARIQ, Khawaja Adeel; SOHARWARDY, Muhammad Moeen; TABESSUM, Nadeem Ahmed. Evaluation of Soil Engineering Characteristics in Jalalpur Region, Pakistan. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, [S.l.], v. 38, n. 3, p. 745-754, july 2019. ISSN 2413-7219. Available at: <https://publications.muet.edu.pk/index.php/muetrj/article/view/1144>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.22581/muet1982.1903.17.
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