Article Information
Implementation of T-box/T-1-Box Based AES Design on Latest Xilinx FPGA

Keywords: Advance Encryption Standard, BRAM, Field Programmable Gate Array, T-Box/T-1-Box

Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology

Volume 34 ,  Issue 4

Dur-e-Shahwar  Kundi,Arshad  Aziz,  


This work presents an efficient implementation of the AES (Advance Encryption Standard) based on Tbox/T-1-box design for both the encryption and decryption on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). The proposed architecture not only make efficient use of full capacity of dedicated 32 Kb BRAM (Block RAM) of latest Xilinx FPGAs (Virtex-5, Virtex-6 and 7 Series) but also saves considerable amount of BRAM and logical resources by using multiple accesses from single BRAM in one cycle of system clock as compared to conventional LUT (Look-Up-Table) techniques. The proposed T-box/T-1-box based AES design for both the encryption and decryption fits into just 4 BRAMs on FPGA and results in good efficiency TPS (Throughput per Slice) with less power consumption.